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This January, our interior designer, Jodi, has taken on the incredible fundraising challenge of running a whopping 26.2 miles in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. Amongst her busy work schedule, Jodi has been finding time before and after her working day, designing office refurbishments, to squeeze in a daily run to clock up the miles. Rap Interiors have proudly sponsored Jodi and are pleased we can support her impressive fund raising efforts.

Prostate Cancer UK

‘1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer. We work to give every man the power to navigate it. Prostate Cancer UK’ – Prostate Cancer UK

Prostate Cancer UK is a charity who work tirelessly to combat prostate cancer, raising awareness among men in the UK and encouraging individuals to be tested. Their advancing research and plans for improved screening will allow more cases of prostate cancer to be diagnosed to save many more lives. The charity’s services also provide support and advice to those with prostate cancer to understand the risks, navigate their treatment and the journey ahead.

Why is Jodi Fundraising for Prostate Cancer UK?

Commercial fit out company sponsor Jodi in aid of Prostate Cancer UK Commercial fit out company sponsor Jodi in aid of Prostate Cancer UK
Family raise money for Prostate Cancer UK Family raise money for Prostate Cancer UK

In December 2023, Jodi’s partner’s father, Roy, was unfortunately diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer.  The good news for him was that it was diagnosed early, successfully removed and thankfully has made a full recovery.

The inspirational Roy has since wanted to spread awareness and understanding of prostate cancer since his diagnosis but has decided to go one step further and complete ‘Run the Month – Marathon Edition’. However, he won’t be running alone. Roy will be joined in support by his family including his wife, children and their partners. Jodi will be supporting Roy by putting her best foot forward and taking part in the run.

Whats the Plan?

During January, Jodi is joining the family to run a collective distance of 209.6 miles which is 26.2 miles each. That’s a marathon each!  The team have been stacking up the miles by either running individually or running together, including the dog, to boost motivation on these cold, dark, winter days.

“It has been really physically tough running in the dark, cold and icy conditions, but it has been harder mentally. Especially when you are a mile in and you still can’t feel your toes! None of us in the group are experienced runners and so we have a group chat where we each log our runs and celebrate our efforts, which has helped us stay motivated to keep going.” – Jodi Webb, Interior Designer

Jodi has already completed 16 miles and is over half way to her 26.2 mile target.  Well done Jodi, keep going! Congratulations to the whole family for such a fantastic and inspirational effort to raise funds for such an important cause.  We wish them all the best of luck and lots of encouragement as they continue their running through the rest of January.  Let’s help Jodi and the team raise as much as possible to help save more lives from prostate cancer.

To show your support and make a donation, please follow the link here.