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April 2020 is Stress Awareness Month and it seems very apt to be talking about stress to raise awareness of the impact it has on our lives and ways we can reduce it. Especially due to coronavirus and how COVID-19 is affecting all of us, not just in the UK but around the globe too. Even if we haven’t got it, we have all been affected by the implications that have been enforced by the government which is going to have a, most likely, negative impact on our stress levels during this time.

While some thrive off stress and pressure, others do find it more difficult to manage and so we are highlighting some very eye-opening statistics, along with some actionable recommendations to help reduce the amount of stress we all experience, particularly within a workplace environment.

Did you know that 79% of adults in employment commonly experience work related stress?

Finding out these astonishing figures inspired us to dig a little deeper into the details of work related stress and to see how we can be a part of reducing stress in work places through the services we provide to our clients.

Work stress is the most common stress experienced in the UK; followed by money, family, then health and finally, relationships. Therefore, it’s important that as a business you are doing the best you can to reduce the amount of stress your workplace affects your employees, to ensure they feel safe, valued and appreciated.

It’s not a secret that mental health issues are on the rise, as more people are talking about them and so more people are becoming more aware of them. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then that 55% of workers’ experience anxiety due to work related stress, causing a loss of sleep and a disruption to concentration.

Over half of lost working days are because of work related stress, depression and anxiety so if you have nothing in place to tackle work related stress, you should be more aware of the negative impact this is having on your business, right under your nose.

By looking after your employees, you are looking after your business too because happy staff will work on your behalf. It’s important to know that 16% of employees are prepared to leave because their companies are causing them too much stress. So by taking action and implementing different ways to reduce the amount of stress, you are going to make your employees happier, calmer and more satisfied with their work and job role. This should then result in higher levels of creativity, productivity and output and can only have a positive impact on your business.

You might be wondering what things you can introduce to reduce the amount of stress at work?

Very simply, talk to your employee’s.

31% of managers are thought to have the confidence to have sensitive discussions on mental health. Which would then suggest that the other 70% avoid the conversation, leaving employees feeling alone, ignored and unwelcome. Training for managers to be able to understand the effects of mental health and how to handle it with supportive conversations will boost their confidence to communicate with their employees.

It’s very encouraging to know that 88% of employees are taking measures into their own hands to actively reduce their stress. The majority are exercising and opening up to their family and friends. While others are listening to their body and mind by resting, as well as practising mindfulness with yoga and meditation. With this in mind, you can take inspiration from what your employees are already doing by making it easier for them by implementing spaces for them to do so at work.

Over the course of this month, we are going to be posting several more blog posts about how to deal with stress in the workplace, actions you can implement and the positive implications they can have in your personal life and your employee’s personal life too.

What are Rap Interiors doing?

We have sent out a survey to all Rap employees, asking them about their current stresses they are facing and also about the stress that they experience at work. The results of this survey we will be sharing on a blog post later this month.

We are involved in group WhatsApp chats and as you can see above, we have Zoom calls to keep in touch with everyone so we all stay sane!

Throughout this month we will also be posting lots more statistics, tips and advice over on our social media channels. We want to reduce the stress in this time (not just in the workplace) by coming together as a community and support one another so go follow us on


All of the statistics, unless otherwise stated, have come from The 2020 UK Workplace Stress Survey

Relieve Your Back From Stress

Minimise the back pain this lockdown while working from home by investing in a 3 piece office set for £260.00+VAT with FREE non-contact delivery in Maidstone and a 10 mile radius. Or if you are outside of that, email us for a delivery cost.

The desk lengths come in 800mm, 1m, 1.2m, 1.4m, 1.6m and 1.8m and all for the same price of £260.00+VAT
The chair is mesh with 2 stage tilting synchro mech and adjustable lumbar support.
The under desk ped includes a pen try and locking.