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In this month’s ‘Day in the Life’ blog, we speak to our office dog Otis. Discover what life is like for Otis at the Rap office and learn about how he helps the team. What would we do without him?!

Summarise what life is like being an office dog?

Being an office dog is a very rewarding career. Unlike stay at home pups, I come in and make sure that the team are happy and well with their daily jobs. I am in charge of play, fun and outdoor activities, giving the Rap team a much needed break from using their brains and computers!

I supervise their breakfasts and lunchtimes to make sure they aren’t bringing in anything that could make them unwell – especially sausages and bacon. They can be particularly nasty so I’m proud to say I take it for team!

I’m very much a team dog and check on every department if they need a helping paw, especially the directors!

What is your favourite part of working for Rap Interiors?

I love to meet the clients. It’s nice that at Rap we work closely with clients, inviting them in to our offices to discuss their project and show them our latest amazing designs. Too many people rely on just sending emails and little communication which is what we try and avoid; my paws are no good on a keypad after all!

Because of our open approach, I can attend the meetings and share my thoughts – the odd bark here and there really. I do work closely with the design department, sniffing out the latest interior crazes.

It’s hard at times to give my opinion so I do favour sitting on the fabric and carpet samples I prefer so our amazing designers know what I think. What can I say, being an Old English Sheepdog I just have the nose for office interior design and it’s great I can be involved in the family business.

Everyone who comes to Rap looks forward to seeing me. I’m really an unofficial mascot for the company which is a great honour!

What products do you recommend for the modern day office?

Call me biased, but a good lick of paint can do wonders to rejuvenate any office space if on a tight budget. I do have my particular favourites I recommend to the team, but it’s because it’s a fantastic product no other reason.

Acoustic tiles are also in. With more offices being open plan you need something to reduce the noise level and these tiles, which now come in a variety of fun shapes, sizes and colours can make a wow statement in the workplace but provide a noise reducing benefit as well. I know this as I often test these out when I can get a bit too talkative!

What did you used to do before you worked at Rap?

Design has always been in my blood! Before I worked here, I previously had a little modelling spot on a Facebook live video for Dulux – working with my brother and sisters to showcase their latest products, which included making a mess and licking the walls to show how stain resistant the product was. It was very popular and the rap team fell in love with me when they saw it going viral!

Thanks for Reading

We hope that Otis’s Q&A has given you a good idea as to what life is like at Rap Interiors. If Otis has inspired you to pursue a career in office interior design, then make sure you keep tabs on the ‘Work for Us’ page for upcoming vacancies.

What to read more from our ‘Day in the Life’ series? If so, then check out our last blog, ‘A Day in the life of a Rap Interiors Marketing Manager’.

Are you thinking of making changes to your space?

If you’re in need of a fit out company to transform your space, then Rap Interiors can help. Since forming in 1988, Rap has become one of the UK’s most trusted interior fit out contractors, transforming everything from schools and colleges to offices and commercial properties. 

To arrange your free design consultation. call 0333 600 1234 or email