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Is Your Workplace COVID-Secure?

From 28th September further measures that businesses need to adopt will become law. To help prevent the transmission of coronavirus, local authorities will have the power to place restrictions upon or close any premises if they believe it necessary.

The guidelines can be a bit confusing so as an expert in workplace consultancy, Rap Interiors break it all down with the questions our clients have been asking us.

The below information is for offices and contact centres specifically but if your business is of a different nature, please get in touch for support to ensure the nature of your business is COVID-secure.

Should my staff work from home?

Ask yourself this: Can your staff work from home just as effectively as they do in the office?

If you answer yes, then they should work from home.

If you answer no, then they can work in the workplace.

Tip: Discuss this with your staff to see how they feel about their role and if they can fulfil their responsibilities at home. You can do this with a staff survey.

41% of people have an inappropriate working environment so if your staff can work from home a DSE assessment will need to be carried out. This will ensure that whatever home office style they have is suitable and health and safety approved.

If your staff don’t have a proper workspace or desk either, then we have a simple solution. We have been supplying employees of lots of businesses with this three-piece home office workstation, for £360.00+VAT.

(the first image in the carousel)

For the full details of the home office workstation click here or email us at with any requirements.

Can our staff work together if they are less than 2m apart?

Yes, as long as they are at least 1m apart and with the following measures in place:

We supply a huge range of protective screens for all types of workplaces to suit your needs. In particular, we have been providing workplaces with bespoke solutions to desks that they have and ensuring their workplaces are COVID-secure by using the right products.

As experts in office design, we space plan offices every day. If you are worried about the capacity of your office and if employees are too close, you can send us your current floor plans showing how your office is laid out and we can rearrange the layout. We will work with the capacity you require and ensure everyone is at least 1 or 2 metres and can recommend the right measures for your space.

Hand sanitiser stations are very popular right now and a necessity to ensure employees and visitors are sanitising their hands regularly.

What if an employee isn’t happy and complains?

You should come to a practical solution where both you and your employee are satisfied with the working arrangements. So, listen to their concerns and ensure you are abiding by the measures that are now law.

If you don’t take any action, they might report you to your local authority or the Health and Safety Executive. They will consider a range of actions that you can improve your workplace to reduce the risks. They can give advice or issue an improvement notice where you must respond by a set time.

Failure to comply is a criminal offence so avoid this by doing the right thing and act accordingly now.

How can I make sure our business is compliant with the new Government measures?

Read our 5 step Workplace Design Strategy. This strategy is going to ensure that not just your workplace but all your employees are safe too. Here is a rundown of the 5 steps:

  1. Talk to your employees.
  2. Carry out a Risk Assessment.
  3. Ensure your office is COVID-secure and workers are set up safely to work from home.
  4. Have you thought about the longer-term measures?
  5. Get support to implement these changes correctly.

To read all of the steps in more detail, click here to head to our Workplace Consultancy page

Should I consider the future of my business now?

Yes! Although you might be focusing on the survival of your business or your flexibility to adapt to the ever-changing guidelines announced by the Government, it’s future is just as important.

We have a proposal for businesses who are considering their workplaces longevity and how it’s purpose might have changed due to COVID. It goes through the process of analysing how your workplace currently works and how you and your employees want it to work. By focusing on health and safety, productivity and design, we have combined

You can download it below but if you wish to discuss this with us further, please email 

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How can I get support to help my business?

Give the Rap Interiors team a ring on 0333 600 1234.

We have supported several businesses to get their workplaces safe as well as ensure their employees are safe and happy:

We have helped schools ensure their classrooms are safe for their students and staff to learn and teach in.

We have guided workplaces to get employees set up correctly to work from home and organise their office to suit its new purpose and capacity.

You can fill out the form below and one of our team will give you a call back.