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This October, Rap Interiors Commercial Director Martyn Pilcher is trekking the Annapurna region of Nepal to raise money for child bereavement charity Abigail’s Footsteps. Organised by Family Business Place, the trip will see Martyn join 11 other trekkers in a bid to reach a fundraising target of £3000.

Martyn and co will journey through some of the world’s tallest mountains and diverse climatic zones, from tropical to freezing alpine peaks. They will start and finish their journey in Kathmandu, which is famed for its stunning temples, city squares and vibrant markets.

The team will be guided by Himalayan mountaineering experts, known as “Sherpas”. The Sherpas will give support across the challenging trails of Annapurna, which holds in store incredible towering peaks and dramatic valleys. Throughout this section of the trek, the team will also enjoy the fantastic hospitality of the Nepalese mountain people.

Abigail’s Footsteps is a baby loss charity that provides support and counselling for bereaved parents and families. It also provides specialist bereavement training for midwives and healthcare professionals. If the £3000 target is met, Abigail’s Footsteps can fund specialist baby counselling sessions for 20 families.

Martyn comments: “I am delighted to be joining the other trekkers for this exciting venture. As a father myself, I was more than happy to get involved to support Abigail’s Footsteps. We are determined to reach the £3000 target to help the charity continue its incredible work. Even though the trek will be a challenge, it will be worth it to see the jaw-dropping sights and raise money for a just cause. I can’t wait to get going!”

The team will be setting off on 16th October – Martyn’s birthday. To keep up to date with their progress, make sure you keep an eye on Rap Interiors’ and Family Business Place’s social media channels. The two companies will be documenting the entire trip with posts and videos to gain as much exposure for the campaign as possible. If you want to donate now, click here to visit the Just Giving page.

A Personal Thank You From Martyn

Many thanks to the kind contributors so far, including Adam Kennedy (Glass Office Solutions), Lee Sanders (LRS Flooring), Joe Dalton (Athena Air), Paul Leeds (PWL), Paul Sperry (Bluestone Leasing), Shaf (London Site Soultions), Bill P (friend) and Sally Ball (ABL Ltd.).

If you would like to donate, please follow the link to Martyn’s Just Giving page here:

Martyn’s Letter

Rap Interiors and I are very pleased to be supporting Abigail’s Footsteps by trekking across the Annapurna region of Nepal in October 2020. Organised by the Family Business Place and Adventurous Ewe, the trek will last for nine days in a bid to raise £3000 for this amazing charity.

Along with seven others trekkers, I will be starting the trip by flying from London to Kathmandu. Following a short internal flight, our trek will begin the following day. We will be winding through some of the world’s tallest mountains and diverse climatic zones, from tropical to freezing alpine peaks. The Annapurna Region is one of the most jaw-dropping and stunning places in Nepal, so for me personally it will be an inspiring trip.

David and Jo Ward set up Abigail’s Footsteps after their daughter Abigail was stillborn on the 29th April 2009. Due to the lack of support they received at the hospital and the fact that they only had three hours with their daughter, they realised something needed to be done. The charity now provides much needed support to these parents through trained counsellors, and this has produced significant improvements in the way bereaved parents and families are cared for in hospitals.

Abigail’s Footsteps also provides training for midwives to educate them on how to deal with grieving parents. They have helped many families and one of their greatest contributions has been the creation and funding of the Abi Cooling Cot. As I mentioned, David and Jo only had three hours with Abigail after she was stillborn, but the Abi Cooling Cot allows parents to be with their child for two to three days if they wish. ­

Being a father myself and seeing my close friends’ daughter fight for her life – and thankfully survive –  after birth puts everything into perspective. I cannot begin to imagine the unbearable pain that some parents have to go through if the unthinkable happens, so this is something I would love to help with.

We will be departing on my birthday (16th October), so the best present I could ask for would be to reach – and hopefully exceed – my target of £3000. If you are able to donate anything, no matter how great or small, it would be amazing and really appreciated by myself and the charity.

Thanks for taking the time to read about our venture. I am looking forward to meeting the other trekkers and wish everyone involved the best of luck.

The target is £3000, so cash donations send to our Just Giving page is the easiest way to help. You can donate via the link here:

Additionally, we would love suppliers to get involved by donating items to be sold via a social media auction. If you would be willing to help, please call me on 07813 437119 or email

I’ll be posting on social media and our news blog so you can follow our journey and achievements (hopefully with your help). I will also make sure to mention the names of all contributors!

Thanks so much for reading,

Martyn Pilcher