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A New iRace Season Kicks Off

Rap Interiors is proud to sponsor an online iRacing team and we excitedly saw them start the season of virtual motor sport racing recently with their first race.  It wasn’t just a new season for the team, but also a new car design and even a new driver, David Simon. Lets hear how they got on…

New Driver 3 Bio 

Name: David Simon 

iRacing experience: 7 years 

Favourite racing cars: Lotus 78 John Player Special (1977) and Williams FW15c (with active ride) (1992) 

Favourite racing track: Croft 

Favourite race meeting: Goodwood Revival 

Marshalling experience: 15 years  

Marshalling Grade: Track- Flagging 


I have been racing in esports since 2016 when I started with an Xbox controller playing Project Cars. I progressed rapidly starting my own team otlracing, which I competed in a number of event finals, including Renault Esports and the SMRS Esports World Championship. Whilst driving for otlracing I was invited to drive for Team Highland, racing in the Le Mans Esports qualifier at the Autosport show in 2019 in which we finished 8th overall.  Two months later I was approached by Ford Esports (Team Fordzilla) and competed in a few races for them.”

Race Report

Rap iSport Racing Team – Le Mans 3 hours

Drivers: Steve Webb, Darren Nunn and welcome to new driver David Simon.

Le Mans marked the teams’ first endurance race of the season.

David Simon, completed their qualifying run, which put Team Rap in 18th place out of 78 entries.

The race got off to a good start and saw David holding 18th until it took a turn for the worse with a hit from the rear and sending him off track and dropping to 74th.  David worked hard and made a comeback crawling back up to 29th, only to be hit again.

Following a pit stop and change of driver, Darren took over, and the race continued gaining 6 places.  Unfortunately, the tyre grip deteriorated and caused severe issues for the car resulting in another crash, this time damaging the front end of the car.

After a final pit stop, Steve set off for the final hour and had some great laps racing.  It wasn’t long though for the damage caused earlier to result in failure of the brakes.  However, despite the difficulties Steve still managed to move from 40th place to 34th in the last 15 minutes and held on to this position right to the end.  Team Rap were able to secure a good result from their first race, and take lessons with them for the next.

Bring on the next race!

“Congratulations to the Rap iSport Racing Team on their first race of the season.  A tough race but handled skilfully securing a solid position.  Best of luck for the next race of the season.”  Parry Anderson.