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About the Client

St Mary Magdalene Academy is an academy based on the Liverpool Road, North London. The academy is made up of two schools: the Primary School and the Secondary School, including the Sixth Form.

Client Brief

St Mary Magdalene needed a creative and experienced London interior design company that could re-design and refurbish its reception area. Within the current reception area, the academy required a new self-contained office area and a desk for two operatives. Furthermore, St Mary wanted the space to be bright, modern and spacious.

Our Solution

To make way for the new self-contained office area, the existing reception desk needed to be demolished. This enabled us to implement a new partition to the ceiling to create the shell of the office. Furthermore, we introduced a soundproof door, a new carpet and contemporary glass manifestation sporting the St Mary Magdalene branding.

With the reception demolished, our London interior designers proposed introducing a modular desk on the opposite side of the room. This included storage units in high and low level sections for practicality and a motion sensored LED light to further modernise the space.

Thank You for Choosing Rap Interiors for Your London Interior Design Project

Through intelligent space planning, imaginative design work and expert project management, St Mary Magdalene Academy now has an inviting, spacious and practical reception area. This will benefit staff and students alike and help to enhance St Mary’s reputation as a forward thinking, modern academy.

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